Mexico Invest news

The four automotive associations present “Diálogo con la industria automotriz 2024”.

Mexico City. The automotive leadership, which includes the Mexican Association of Automotive Distributors (AMDA), the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA), the National Association of Bus, Truck, and Tractor Producers (ANPACT), and the National Auto Parts Industry (INA), have presented the updated document “Dialogue with the Automotive Industry 2024” (Diálogo con la industria automotriz 2024).

During the presentation, it was highlighted that the teams of the three presidential candidates (Xóchitl Gálvez, Claudia Sheinbaum, Jorge Álvarez Máynez) have already received a copy of this document. The goal is to unite efforts between the Automotive Sector represented by the four associations, the government, and academia to maintain the global leadership of the Mexican automotive industry, focusing on key pillars such as the domestic market, the environment, social development, production, and foreign trade.

Guillermo Rosales Zárate, Executive President of AMDA, emphasized the importance of public and legal security for the future sustainability of the Automotive Sector. He proposed reforms such as the Public Vehicle Registry (REPUVE) and an administrative reform to streamline procedures. “An example of this is the urgency to modify the anti-money laundering prevention system managed by the Tax Administration System (SAT) to facilitate compliance for Obligated Subjects,” he said.

Meanwhile, Odracir Barquera, General Director of AMIA, stressed the coordination between sector actors and authorities, highlighting the importance of the USMCA and proposing a positive review of it. “We also seek to achieve a positive review of the USMCA, consolidating it as a fundamental pillar for our country,” he emphasized.

During the presentation, Virginia Olalde, Director of Foreign Trade and Economic Studies of ANPACT, commented: “This document shows the relevance of the Automotive Sector as an economic and social development driver in Mexico. It also highlights the high integration of the automotive industry in the North American region, supported by the USMCA, a legal instrument that guarantees regulatory certainty.”

Olalde emphasized that “Diálogo con la industria automotriz 2024’ reflects the Automotive Sector’s commitment to a sustainable future, highlighting two fundamental pillars: decarbonization and the importance of fleet renewal with financial instruments. With an integral vision, the sector bets on clean technologies and essential coordination with the Government of Mexico, which is crucial to maintaining leadership in production and export, strengthening the domestic market, and reducing emissions.”

Finally, Armando Cortés, General Director of INA, highlighted the crucial need for clean and adequate energy to ensure the sector’s sustainable growth in dialogue with the next government. He also stressed the importance of customs and trade facilitation as vital elements to maintain global competitiveness, simplifying processes and reducing trade barriers to further boost Mexico’s economic growth in the international market.

In this edition, the sector’s work in the country’s social development is highlighted through coordination between industry, government, and academia to align educational offerings with labor needs. This is reflected in training programs, promotion of inclusion, and encouragement of diversity.

Diálogo con la industria automotriz 2024” is available for download at and presents proposals and strategies for the automotive industry to achieve greater leadership positions in the future in key areas such as production, foreign trade, domestic market, environment, and social development.


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